Last time I was here I was in the middle of so many projects! Music is one of my projects as well whether it be playing, performing or Production I Love it! Some things take priority over music as far as time is concerned but music is always in the Background (even when Im not physically involved it still fills the air around me)! With the dreaded Corona Virus keeping us all Quarantined Music has found its way back to a more steady flow! So here goes! So…. as far as Indie music is concerned it is easy to get music out there but not so easy to get those out there to find it! We are all artist in some way and it is nice to have someone dig our creations! So we look for outlets that can do that and often when we find these outlets they link together and people eventually find our art! I’ve just started putting music on Reverbnation and it has become somewhat a hobby and over all good experience. Like to listen to other Indie artist all the while seeing someone liking the music I have been creating.When I have time during the week I go in the studio a couple times write a beat, A guitar line, bring the bass and piano add some lyrics and go for it. Sometimes it turns out annnnnnd sometimes not so much but I have a blast doing it! So welcome back to the website and lets see how long I can keep it up this time! If I actually get someone to blog with I’m sure I’ll return more often! It is good to share ideas and even opinions on how we all accomplish that which we set out to do! God bless you and may your Artistic creations reach those who need it the most!